Expansion Vessels | Membrane Pressure Vessels

Pressure Vessels
Membrane pressure expansion-vessels serve as a pressurised water reservoir for cold and warm water installations and are suitable for temperatures up to 99°C.
Required for pressurised booster-sets including water supply from wells and rainwater harvesting systems, membrane pressure vessels serve as a buffer to minimise water-hammering within the pipe network and to reduce pump switching cycles. Rainwater harvesting systems with an adequately sized membrane pressure vessel have reduced switching cycles of the rainwater pump, improved component wear for reliable rainwater supply.
Vertical Pressure Vessels and Horiontal Pressure Vessels
Larger non-domestic rainwater harvesting systems require a membrane pressure vessel in the absence of an inverter-controlled pump setup. Zilmet Ultra-Pro pressure expansion vessels in horizontal & vertical built are available with a volume capacity of 50 litres and 100 litres. Larger vessels are available on request!