GEMTUBE & GEMDISC Aeration Membrane Diffusers
Modern water and waste water technology requires aeration systems which are of ecologically benefit whilst remaining economically viable.
This forms the basis for efficient biological waste water purification.
GEMGATE aeration membrane diffusers are manufactured in Germany as membrane pipe aerators (GEMTUBE), a tubular diffuser available in standard and customised lengths, and plate-based membrane disc diffusers (GEMDISC).
Enabling fine-bubble aeration for high oxygen-transfer is essential during the biological waste water treatment process in remote domestic treatment systems and municipal treatment plants.

The elasticity of the membrane ensures blockage-free operation due to the valve-effect of the perforation and enables continuous as well as intermittent aeration for nitrification or upstream denitrification.
Aeration membrane diffusers are used at municipal and decentralised wastewater treatment facilities. When upgrading existing domestic septic tanks, aeration diffusers for oxygen-transfer are installed on the base of the biological reactor chamber to accomplish an evenly distributed fine-bubble aeration picture.
Intermittent timer-controlled aeration cyles enable high treatment levels as well as energy-efficient operation of biological wastewater treatment facilities.